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Don t get me wrong. I love technology. I cannot imagine ever being without my computer and am guilty of spending a large part of my day working on line. The computer and Internet afford many opportunities. Now at no charge outside of my Internet connection I can communicate with persons all over the world. Keywords: australia migration migrating moving western oz Article Body: Australia is often described as ' The Lucky Country ', it has so much to offer in terms of natural beauty, high standards of living and a prosperous, growing economy and enjoys the status of being the "most preferred migration destination in the world". I hate this word fail, in their eyes I failed twice, but did I though? As already stated, I could not have tried any harder, therefore how dare they call me a failure. This result of fail is also a very negative and some what cruel mark. The question I would like answered, is did I fail by a long way, only a couple of points or quite a few points? The same can be said for who you are. We attempt to define ourselves, yet no adequate words exist to describe the complexity of who we are. We can describe what we look like, the type of work we do, our ethnic heritage or gender. Yet, that comes nowhere near the truth of what animates your being. You are a mystery. You want to experience it by seeing and touching it and the real satisfaction comes from turning your ideas into reality. There is a big difference between knowing what to do and doing what you know. Most people know what to do to be able to make their lives work but knowing just isn't enough we must act and use what we know. Ever noticed how your kids always pick up those annoying habits from you; the ones you really didn t want them to have? For modelling to be truly effective, instead of just copying what a person is doing, you must learn what is going on in their heads and copy that too. You need to understand their mental processes in order to effectively model their results. 



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