And let me tell you: once he gets that cut under his eye, he starts moving with a sense of urgency...big time. Why? Because he knows the referee can now stop the fight at any moment. You need to start attacking each hour and minute of the day with the same sense of urgency. If you never made time for your personal vision, or never followed through on your goals to get in shape and lose weight, and I came along one day and put a gun to your head and said I'll pull the trigger if you didn't get your things accomplished in the next 4 hours, do you think that would motivate you and make a difference? How does the way you think affect your actions? And how might you become more aware of the process? A centering breath is a place to start. When you're stressed, in conflict, or otherwise under pressure, do you hold your breath? Most people do. When you stop the natural flow of air, you become tense and unbalanced, physically and emotionally. </B>" What happens when we sow bountifully? We put God's word into motion and God is <B>able</B> to make all grace come our way. The use of the word "able" suggests that God requires us to make the first move and give. When we give generously, God will also make sure we <B>always</B> have <B>all</B> sufficiency in <B>all</B> things. Maybe you need to have a conversation with your boss or staff, review priorities, or ask for a change that would make you look forward to walking into the place where you spend a third of your life, instead of dreading it. Even the right path has detours from time to time. Subject each new direction to your energy test. Slipping into neediness will become less of a habit when you repeatedly shift towards gratitude, away from poverty consciousness. 5. Use a Passion Formula of Recognize/Reevaluate/Restore in place of the Shoulda/Woulda/Coulda whirlwind. The former is based in increased knowledge and abundance while the latter focuses on scarcity and lack. Title: Beauty, Gratitude, and the Open Heart Word Count: 712 Summary: beauty on your earth is a shadow of the beauty of our heaven, and it s a bitter thing to have a blindness for beauty on earth, for it makes a longer teaching to see the beauties of heaven. Spoken by an Irish spirit in the book The Boy who Saw True (anonymous author).
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